An end to institutionalized racism. Equal pay for equal work. Environmental sustainability and climate health. Systemic problems require bold, wide-reaching solutions. As analytical policymakers and innovative public leaders, Evans School students and faculty are uniquely positioned with the passion, creativity, and skills to build a healthier, more just world.

Together, we can transform the public sector, for the greater good.

Ways to Give


Make your check payable to “UW Foundation,” specify an area to support, and send to:

Evans School Advancement,
Box 353055
Seattle, WA 98195


Call 877-UW-GIFTS

And specify the Evans School fund you wish to support


For questions about creating an endowment, giving securities, or making a planned gift, contact the Evans Advancement team at 206.221.8675 or


Make a gift, update your information, print tax receipts, see your impact, and more.

Visit the site

Dan Evans Headshot

Gifts in Memory of Daniel J. Evans

Dan Evans’ service to and impact on our state is virtually without equal: he served three terms as governor, five years in the U.S. Senate, eight years in the State House of Representatives, six years as the president of Evergreen State College and twelve years on the UW Board of Regents, among many other volunteer roles within the University. In every role and in all that he did, he was unshakably committed to his values and integrity, which always served as his north star. He believed deeply in civility, mutual respect and bipartisanship, and throughout his long career in public service, he refused to sacrifice his principles for the sake of expediency or personal advancement.

Stories of Impact

Make a Difference

Anti-racism & Inclusion

Support the Evans School’s commitment to anti-racism action and ensuring an inclusion, diversity and equity focus in every decision we make. This fund is used to support anti-racism and DEI initiatives and priorities for Evans School students, staff, and faculty, as well as outreach and engagement with the broader community.
Evans School Graduation

Evans School Support

Gifts to this fund allow for maximum flexibility in current use spending and provide support for visiting lecturers, financial support for deserving students, and recruiting and retaining our distinguished faculty members.

MPA Students

The Evans School Fellowships Fund guarantees that the best public policy and governance education is accessible to all MPA students, regardless of economic circumstance. All fellowships from this fund are distributed to the most exemplary students at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance.

EMPA Students

The EMPA Support Fund was established by EMPA alumni for current and future EMPA students and helps to ensure that the best public policy and governance education is accessible to all EMPA students, regardless of economic circumstance.

Undergraduate Students

This fund will support the development and operation of new and emerging undergraduate initiatives at the Evans School.


Your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution for federal tax purposes as allowed by IRS regulations. The UW Foundation’s federal tax id is 94-3079432.

Many employers offer matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. To find out if your employer, your spouse’s employer, a company on whose board you serve, or from which you have retired has a matching gift policy, please enter the company name below:

If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your Human Resources department and send it completed and signed with your gift to:

Matching Gift Coordinator

UW Office of Gift Processing
Box 359505
Seattle, WA 98195-9505

If you do not see your company listed, contact your HR office to ask if your employer has a Matching Gift Program. If you have questions or need assistance, call 1-877-UW-GIFTS or e-mail

Currently, the Evans School offers five funds that specifically support students of color:

Evans School Anti-racism & Inclusion Action Fund   Supports anti-racism and DEI initiatives and priorities for Evans School students, staff, and faculty, as well as outreach and engagement with the broader community. 
African American Heritage Endowed Fund for Graduate Student Support  Supports graduate students of color, to the extent legally permissible.
Dr. Constance W. and Norman B. Rice Endowed Graduate Fellowship  Supports outstanding graduate students with a preference that fellowships be awarded to graduate students of color.  
Governor Gary Locke Endowed Fellowship  Supports Asian/Pacific Islander students and encourages them to enter careers in public service and politics.  
Lloyd F. Hara Endowed Graduate Student Support Fund  Provides financial assistance to outstanding graduate students committed to excellence in public service, specifically those interested in working in local government. Preference for this funding will be given to students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and/or students with deep experience with diversity, or with diverse cultures.  
Robert J. and Micki E. Flowers Endowed Fund in Public Policy & Governance  Provides financial assistance to graduate students of diverse backgrounds in the Evans School. 

At the Evans School, diversity, equity, and inclusion are integral to excellence. We value diverse experiences and perspectives, strive to create welcoming and respectful learning environments, and promote access, opportunity, and justice for all. In alignment with this commitment, we acknowledge that fellowships can serve as important forms of financial support to aid in achieving diversity within the Evans School student population. Since 1999, it has been the policy of the University to use these tools to the fullest extent possible while still complying with applicable state and federal laws. If you would like to learn more about creating new funds to support students in this way, please contact our Advancement Office at 206-221-8675 or 

You can print your tax receipt at any time from the My UW Giving portal.

For more information, please contact our Advancement Office at 206-221-8675 or

Meet Our Team

Lauren Domino

Lauren Domino
Assistant Dean for Advancement & External Relations

Justyn Jacobs

Justyn Jacobs
Alumni & Community Engagement Manager

Wyatt Langstraat

Wyatt Langstraat headshot
Advancement Services Officer

Heather Stringfellow

Heather Stringfellow headshot
Development Director