November 6, 2024

Evans faculty Crystal Hall co-authors new book on antiracist behavioral design

Antiracist by Design is a compact and informative guide for organizations, policymakers, and everyday people who want to use the tools of behavioral science in practical ways to design and implement policies and practices that drive racial equity forward.

Co-authored by Crystal Hall, an Associate Professor at the Evans School, and Mindy Hernandez, the Living Lab for Equitable Climate Action at the World Resources Institute, Antiracist by Design is a call to action, providing tools and a roadmap for an antiracist approach to applied behavioral science.

The book begins by tracing the history of applied behavioral science and how the field has historically shied away from tackling systemic issues. Hall and Hernandez then offer an antiracist framework for updating the mechanics of behavioral design, blending scholarly research alongside accessible stories, examples, and concrete steps for moving racial justice forward.

Reflecting on the process, Hall shared, “Mindy and I are thrilled for the release of Antiracist by Design. This book represents years of conversations and reflections on the missteps of the field (starting with our own!). My teaching and scholarship at the Evans School have been so influential throughout this process, especially my work with students. I’m so delighted that I’ll have the opportunity to celebrate the book and its implications with our community.”

Antiracist by Design will be released on November 19 by MIT Press. Hall will hold a hybrid book talk on December 11 as part of the Evans School’s Theory to Practice lecture series.