Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

Evans School faculty and scholars have a long history of producing nonprofit sector research that is rigorous, analytical, and practical. Our work strengthens organizational management and leadership, supports cross-sector collaboration, and improves policy. 

Click the menus below to learn about Evans School research across a range of topics related to the nonprofit sector.

Areas of Nonprofit Sector Research

Rachel Fyall and Scott W. Allard. 2017. “Nonprofits and Political Activity: A Joint Consideration of the Political Activities, Programs, and Organizational Characteristics of Social Service Nonprofits.” Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance 41(3): 275-300.

Rachel Fyall. 2016. “The Power of Nonprofits: Mechanisms for Nonprofit Policy Influence.” Public Administration Review 76(6): 938-948.

Rachel Fyall and Michael McGuire. 2015. “Advocating for Policy Change in Nonprofit Coalitions.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 44(6): 1274-1291.

Mary Kay Gugerty with Aseem Prakash, editors. 2010. Advocacy Organizations and Collective Action. Cambridge University Press.

David Suárez and Hokyu Hwang. 2008. “Civic Engagement and Nonprofit Lobbying in California.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 37(1): 92-112.

David Suárez. 2009. “Nonprofit Advocacy and Civic Engagement on the Internet.” Administration & Society 41(3): 267-289.

David Suárez and Mary Kay Gugerty. 2016. “Funding Civil Society? Bilateral Government Support for Development NGOs.” Voluntas 27(6): 2617-2640.

David Suárez. 2011. “Collaboration and Professionalization: The Contours of Public Sector Funding for Nonprofits.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(2): 307-326.

Mary Kay Gugerty. “Outside Funding and the Dynamics of Participation in Community Organizations” with Michael Kremer. American Journal of Political Science, 52(3): 585-602, July 2008.

Ines Jurcevic and Rachel Fyall. 2020. “Does a Business-like Approach to Diversity in Nonprofit Organizations Have a Chilling Effect on Stakeholders?” Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 3(1): 1-17.

Jamie Levine Daniel and Rachel Fyall. 2019. “The Intersection of Nonprofit Roles and Public Policy Implementation.” Public Performance & Management Review 42(6): 1351-71. 

Rachel Fyall and Jamie Levine Daniel. 2018. “Pantries and Policy Implementation: Using Nonprofit Priorities to Understand Variation in Emergency Food Assistance.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 47, No. 4_suppl: 11S-33S. 

Scott Allard. 2017. Places in Need: the changing geography of poverty. Russell Sage Foundation Press.

Jeff Marshall and David Suárez. 2014. “The Flow of Management Practices: An Analysis of NGO Monitoring and Evaluation Dynamics” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 43(6): 1033-1051.

David Suárez and Jeff Marshall. 2014. “Capacity in the NGO Sector: Evidence from a National Survey of Cambodia.” Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 25(1): 176-200.

David Suárez. 2010. “Street Credentials and Management Backgrounds: Careers of Nonprofit Executives in an Evolving Sector.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39(4): 696-716.

Rachel Fyall. 2017. “Nonprofits as Advocates and Providers: A Conceptual Framework.” Policy Studies Journal 45(1): 121-143.

Rachel Fyall and Beth Gazley. 2015. “Applying Social Role Theory to Gender and Volunteering in a Professional Context.” Voluntas 26(1): 288-314.

The Goldilocks Challenge: The Goldilocks Challenge: Right-Fit Evidence for the Social Sector. Co-authored with Dean Karlan, forthcoming 2018, Oxford University Press.

Regulation by Reputation: Monitoring and Sanctioning in Nonprofit Accountability Clubs. 2016. With Joannie Tremblay-Boire and Aseem Prakash. Public Administration Review: 76(5): 712–722.

Mary Kay Gugerty and Aseem Prakash, editors.Voluntary Regulation of Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations: An Accountability Club Framework, 2010. Cambridge University Press. Mary Kay Gugerty and Aseem Prakash.

Trust but Verify: Voluntary Regulation Programs in the Nonprofit Sector. 2010. With Aseem Prakash. Regulation and Governance. 4(1): 22-47. Awarded the “Best Article of 2010” by the journal editors.

Herranz, Jr., Joaquín. “Quadruple Bottom Line Performance in a Networked Society.” Book manuscript in preparation.

Nonprofit Management & Philanthropy News