December 12, 2024

Inspiring Civic Participation in the Next Generation

The University of Washington (UW) has a vision to model democracy by cultivating collaborative decision-making, respectful dialogue, civic engagement and belonging. The NextGen Civic Leader Corps puts that vision into action for our undergraduate students who are passionate about public service, community engagement, and civic leadership.  

The Evans School of Public Policy & Governance and Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) center launched the initiative in 2022 to inspire and prepare undergraduate students of all majors and disciplines to become leaders in their communities and advance the public good throughout their careers 

The initiative has now expanded to Tacoma and Bothell as part of a Tri-Campus Network and undergraduates passionate about public service and civic engagement from any discipline can join to deepen their public service commitment. The NextGen Civic Leader Corps solidifies a long-term commitment to working for the public good through coursework, experiential learning, signature events, and professional network building. Students receive guided advising, participate in experiential learning and volunteer opportunities, access financial support, and connect to a larger statewide and national community of publicly motivated peers. 

NextGen’s interdisciplinary approach makes it easy for a student in any field to explore and deepen civic leadership. NextGen Civic Leader Corps currently hosts over 2,200 undergraduate students in more than 50 majors across the three UW campuses. We are part of a growing network of programs at 22 universities across the country, hosted by the Volcker Alliance, that inspires and prepares students to serve their communities and nation.

In the short term, members are part of a robust national network of civically minded leaders, receive priority consideration for scholarship opportunities and may be eligible for a credential. The long-term impact of civic participation is linked to a healthier transition into adulthood, higher educational outcomes, and higher income levels down the road.  

Hear directly from a few of our students about the impact of the NextGen Civic Leader Corps.

The tri-campus initiative is poised to expand to serve more students, and we look to our UW and Evans School community to engage with us in the work.  

There are multiple ways to engage, including providing financial support, offering paid internships, providing long-term volunteer opportunities, and speaking at a signature event. Please contact if you’d like to connect to explore ways to support our NextGen students today!