- Pronouns: They/them
- Hometown: Silver Spring, Maryland
- College/University: DePauw University
- Major: Political Science
- Track: Residential
May 16, 2024
JSI Scholar: Maya La Croix

Tell us about your story
I am a New York Posse Scholar at DePauw University. I am a political science major and education studies minor. I have been interested in politics and history my whole life.
What path did you take when you first started college?
All colleges have required classes, DePauw prefers that you declare after you’ve finished your requirements and started your second year, so I waited to declare my major. I also waited to declare my minor until I had figured out my thesis topic. I am an Honor Scholar at my school which means I will be writing two thesis assignments, but I don’t know what I’ll be doing for that just yet.
What made you consider a career in public policy/public service/international affairs?
I’ve always wanted to be in public service; both my mother and father have been and are public servants of some kind, and many of my family members are also public servants. My family emphasizes our connections to our community and strives to help make our communities and lives healthier, happier, and safer for everyone. My family is steeped in history; I am just keeping up tradition.
Who inspires you to think about public service?
My community. I love my community, no matter where I am and I strive to make a difference in people’s lives when and where I can. I also try to encourage others in my community to engage in public service as a way to demonstrate that democracy does work, we just have to put effort into making it work for us.
What are you most excited about the JSI program at UW?
Getting to learn more about how public policy is created, understanding more about the role communities can play in creating and improving public policy and experiencing the Pacific Northwest for the first time.