
Arielle Weaver

Ph.D. Student
Arielle Weaver joined the Evans School Ph.D. Program in Public Policy & Management in 2021. Broadly, Arielle’s research interests are aligned with addressing issues of social equity, access, and opportunity for marginalized populations with an emphasis on women of color. Arielle seeks to bring a critical lens to her research, drawing attention to racial disparities resulting from policy and the policy process.

Prior to beginning her Ph.D. studies, Arielle had a career in Student Affairs and has experience in the areas of residence life, student conduct, leadership development, and mentorship for women of color. Through that work, Arielle had the opportunity to develop, advocate for, and mentor women of color student leaders, which informs her current research interests.

M.Ed. Higher Education, University of Toledo; M.B.A. Organizational Leadership, University of Toledo;
B.B.A. Human Resources Management & Organizational Leadership, University of Toledo