Brenda Gellner

Ph.D. Graduate
Brenda Gellner started the Evans School Ph.D. program in Public Policy & Management in 2017. Prior to joining the program, she earned a Master of Public Affairs from the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She previously worked as a Project Manager for the Office of Economic & Workforce Development for Dane County, Wisconsin and as a Program Assistant for the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Brenda also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Northwestern University.
M.S. in Public Policy & Management, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, 2020
MPA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017
B.A. in Mathematics, Northwestern University, 2014
Street-level bureaucracy
Policy implementation
Administrative discretion
Physician-patient interactions
Physician-patient-family caregiver interactions
Co-production and shared decision-making
Qualitative methods
Experimental methods

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