Isaac Sederbaum
Ph.D. Candidate
Isaac “Izzy” Sederbaum started the Evans School Ph.D. program in Public Policy & Management in 2019. His interests span a wide array of topics, including how policies often work to punish and criminalize queerness, particularly in young people; participatory action research (PAR); and the continued prevalence of wage theft in vulnerable communities.
Prior to joining the program, Izzy was a Research Associate in the Vera Institute of Justice’s Center on Youth Justice (CYJ), where he primarily focused on working with jurisdictions across the country to rethink their approaches to arresting and incarcerating youth for status offenses. Before Vera, he was a field researcher at the Center for Court Innovation and a research consultant for the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United. He earned his master’s degree in Public Administration from the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance in 2014 and his BA in Community Development from Portland State University in 2011.
MPA, University of Washington 2014
BA, Community Development, Portland State University 2011
BA, Community Development, Portland State University 2011
Criminal Justice Policy
Social Policy
Mixed Methods
Social Policy
Mixed Methods