Michelle Gislason
Michelle Gislason MA, is a Leadership and Organizational Development Coach and Consultant living in Seattle, Washington. She is also a network partner with CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and developed several of CompassPoint’s leadership programs, including the Coaching and Philanthropy Initiative, the Blue Shield of California Foundation Strong Field Project Leadership Development Program and Network Weaver Learning Lab (NWLL), and the Thriving as an Executive Director series. She is an Organizational Development (OD) coach for the NoVo Foundation’s Move to End Violence Initiative and co-author of the award-winning book “Coaching Skills for Nonprofits Managers and Leaders (Jossey-Bass). In addition to being a trainer, consultant, and certified organizational coach, Michelle is a trained facilitator in the Authenticity Circles© peer coaching model and an instructor and teaching associate at University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Affairs. She graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Arts degree and completed her Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology in 2007.
Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Consensus Building
Co-Author, award winning “Coaching Skills for Nonprofit Managers” published in fall, 2009 by Jossey Bass
Co-Author, Coaching and Philanthropy Project: Action Guides for Grantmakers, Nonprofits, and Coaches, published by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations and CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
Co-Author, “Working from Strengths to End Domestic Violence: How Strengths-Based Leadership Is Transforming California’s Domestic Violence Field” published by CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and Strong Field Project
Co-Author, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of 360 Leadership Evaluations” published by Nonprofit Quarterly
Contributor, “The Leader of the Future: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era”, Leader to Leader Institute