Vance Larsen
He has been a TA for several courses throughout his time at Evans, winning the ESO Outstanding Teaching Assistant award in 2018-2019. He has been a teaching assistant for Quantitative Analysis 1 (527), Quantitative Analysis 2 (528), Financial Management and Budgeting (522) and Microeconomic Management Analysis (517). He was also the lead instructor for Quantitative Analysis 2 (528) in the Spring of 2021. Currently, Vance is an Assistant Teaching Professor at the Seattle University Albers School of Business and Economics.
M.S. in Consumer Behavior, Purdue University, 2016
B.B.A. in Business Administration, Gonzaga University, 2012
Behavioral Economics
Judgment and Decision Making
Household Finance
Fringe Banking Products
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) certificate
Larsen, V., Carriaga, R., Wething, H., Zhao, J., & Hall C. (2023). Behavioral consequences of income and expense shocks. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Online only, print publication TBD.
Bauchet, J., & Larsen, V. (2018). ROSCA composition and repayment: Evidence from Taiwanese bidding ROSCAs. The Journal of Development Studies, 54(9), 1483-1495.
Bauchet, J., Damon, A., & Larsen, V. (2017). Microfinance bundling and consumer protection: experimental evidence from Colombia. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(4), 443-461.