The Evans School is pleased to announce that Dean Jodi Sandfort was elected today to NASPAA’s Executive Council to serve a three-year term, 2021-2024.
NASPAA’s Executive Council is the network’s national governing body and is responsible for overseeing the planning, organizing, and supervising all activities, including applications for membership, committees, and policies.
“I am honored to be joining NASPAA’s Executive Council this fall and hope that during my three-year term I am able to move the needle for Public Policy and Public Affairs Schools. NASPAA’s Diversity and Social Equity Committee has developed an ambitious and long overdue agenda for curricular transformation, and I look forward to supporting those efforts across our profession.
The Network is also engaged in serious conversations about doctoral and under-graduate education, so I look forward to bringing the Evans School’s expertise into those discussions as well.” – Dean Sandfort The Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration is the international associate focused upon ensuring excellence in education and training for public service. It oversees the international accrediting body for master’s degrees in the field, provides advocacy with governments about the needs of public affairs education, encourages curriculum development and innovation, operates a student honor society, and oversees a data center that is the fields’ authoritative source.