Jodi Sandfort and Stephanie Moulton. 2020. “Replication or Innovation? Structuration in Policy Implementation,” Perspectives on Public Management and Governance. Advanced access.
Jodi Sandfort, Sook Jin Ong, and Catherine McKay. 2019. “Performance Management Regimes in Practice: Examining the local agencies implementing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,” American Review of Public Administration 42(2): 145-158.
Stephanie Moulton and Jodi Sandfort. 2017. “The Strategic Action Fields Framework for Policy Implementation Research.” Journal of Policy Studies. 45(1): 144-169.
Stephen Roll, Stephanie Moulton, and Jodi Sandfort. 2017. “A Comparative Analysis of Policy & Program Implementation Literatures.” Journal of Public & Nonprofit Affairs, 3(1), 3-22.
Worksheets to Support Practice
(Appendices) from Sandfort and Moulton (2015) Effective Implementation in Practice (Jossey-Bass).
Policy Field Audit
Policy Field Visual Diagrams
Program Process Flow Diagrams
Organization – Program Integration Audit
Front-line Interactions Audit
Target Experiences Analysis
Jodi Sandfort and Stephanie Moulton, 2015. Effective Implementation in Practice: Integrating Public Policy and Management. Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons): San Francisco, CA.
Jodi Sandfort. 2014. “Analyzing the Practice of Nonprofit Advocacy: Comparing Two Human Services Networks,” Nonprofits and Advocacy: Engaging Community and Government in an Era of Retrenchment, edited by Robert J. Pekkhanen, Steven Rathgeb Smith, Yutaka Tsujinaka. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 222-253.
Backwards Mapping (with Shannon Evans), Video Brief 2014.
Multilevel Implementation Analysis (with Kassira Absar), Video Brief 2014.
Implementing an Alternative to Refund Anticipation Loans at Accountability Minnesota (with Jackie Aman and Kate Connors), Multimedia Simulation, 2011.
Jodi R. Sandfort. 2011. “Implementing the Earned Income Tax Credit at Accountability Minnesota,” Teaching Case – A, B, and C segments. Winner of the Snow Foundation Award for Case in Collaborative Public Management. Maxwell School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University.
Policy Fields (with Micah Intermill), Video Brief, 2011.
Jodi Sandfort. 2010. “Nonprofits within Policy Fields” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Summer. 29(3), 637-644.
Jodi Sandfort. 2010. “Designing a Safety-Net that Supports Low-Income Workers,” CURA Reporter, Spring/Summer. 40:1-2, 29-36.
Jodi Sandfort. 2009. “Human Service Organizational Technology: Improving Understanding and Advancing Research,” Human Services as Complex Organizations, 2nd edition, edited by Yeheskel Hasenfeld. Sage Publications. 269-290.
Jodi Sandfort, Sally Coleman Selden, and Jessica Sowa. 2008. “Do the Tools Used by Government Influence Organizational Performance? An Examination of Early Childhood Education Policy Implementation,” American Review of Public Administration. December. 38:4, 412-43.
Jodi Sandfort R. and H. Brinton Milward. 2008. “Collaborative Service Provision in the Public Sector,” Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations, edited by Steve Cropper, Mark Ebers, Chris Huxham, and Peter Smith Ring, Oxford University Press, 147-174.
Sally Coleman Selden, Jessica Sowa, and Jodi Sandfort. 2006. “The Impact of Nonprofit Collaboration in Early Care and Education on Management and Program Outcomes,” Public Administration Review, 66:3, 412-425.