The Evans Ambassadors help to advance the mission and vision of the Evans School by serving as committed advocates, advisors, and connectors.

The Evans Ambassadors’ functions are to:

  • Connect the School to key constituencies for student recruitment and employment, community engagement, philanthropic relationships, and projects in which the School can help support the co-creation of solutions to complex public problems.
  • Promote the public understanding of the School, its programs and events, its potential and impact.
  • Examine issues relating to emerging areas of opportunity for the School and provide advice, connections, and recommendations to School leadership.
  • Generously engage in the work of the School through appropriate and meaningful ways for the individual, whether time, treasure, talent, connections, and creativity.
  • Engage in other opportunities as presented by the School.

Current Membership:

  • Charmila Ajmera
  • Aileen Balahadia
  • Payton Bordley
  • Erica Campos
  • Evan Cook
  • Maria Denny
  • Mark Frischmuth
  • Vanessa Kritzer
  • Kim Latham
  • Eli Lieberman
  • Sharon Silas
  • William Langevin
  • Sara Levin
  • Shannon Marsh
  • Joe McDermott
  • Paul Mitchell
  • Nick Muy
  • Colton Myers
  • Christine Newman
  • Nancy Remak
  • James Siap
  • John Sirois
  • Robert White

Interested in learning more or joining the Evans Ambassadors? Email us.