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MPA Class Profiles

The University of Washington’s Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance continues to be one of the most competitive graduate programs in public policy and governance. Utilizing a data-driven model and a collaborative learning process, the rigorous program covers a wide scope of specialties: from environmental, public, and social policy to nonprofit management, public finance administration, and public policy analysis. Students at the Evans School gain first-hand knowledge and instruction from our faculty, whose research focuses on real-world approaches. We provide decision-makers with the evidence for smarter, more efficient policy decisions. An Evans School MPA prepares students for success and leadership in a dynamic and complex world.

  MPA Student Profile – Entering class of 2021
Total Applications 717
  Enrolled Students 231
Students with 2+ Years of Work Experience 59%
 Average Undergrad GPA 3.56
  Class Statistics
  Men 36%
  Women 63%
  Did Not Disclose <1%
  Washington Residents 48%
  Out-of-State Domestic Residents 33%
  International Students 19%
  Domestic BIPOC* Students 28%
  Program Details
  Credits to complete program   72 quarter credits
  2020 Annual Employment Report
  Employed 6 months after graduation 91%
Graduation Rate Information – Cohort Start: AY2015-16**
  Graduated in 2 Years 85%
  Graduated in 3 Years 93%
  Graduated in 4 Years 94%

*BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, and/or People Of Color
**For the AY2015-16 entering year: students in the Part-Time MPA program had an average time to degree of 3 academic years; and concurrent degree students had an average time-to-degree of 3.45 academic years.